The media and the entertainment industry have incited the public into such a frenzy that I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who think that killing the President is the only way to save the country.
I'm sure that enemies of the United States are ecstatic, knowing the vulnerability of a country at war with itself.
I saw some of a news show tonight that said that subscriptions for the New York Times are "skyrocketing," so that newspaper has profited from its feud with President Trump. While I think that everyone should read some of a newspaper every day or every few days, what's being read is important, so I hope that the New York Times, and all media, will take the responsibility for balanced journalism seriously. What people think decides what they do.
It might be helpful if Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders did something to help to stabilize the nation, which seems to be on the brink of violence. Publications at social media, speeches and interviews reminding people that a democracy has peaceful channels could prevent uncontrolled rage from taking over the country.
Copyright L. Kochman, February 11, 2017 @ 7:40 p.m.