The conglomerate has always had a plethora of excuses for its cruel behavior toward me. That nobody has told anyone who can stop my eviction that there are hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment is helping me to understand that none of the abuse was ever something that I deserved or brought on myself. Only totally cruel people could do this to someone.
Even without the blizzard, for me to have written and talked about what it's like to be homeless for 4 years, and for everyone who could stop my having to be homeless again not to be saying something to stop it; if people thought that would improve my opinion of them, if they thought it would humble me, if they thought it would finally larn me to stop criticizing evil, they were wrong.
What do I have to lose by saying what I have to say? Nothing; nobody who could help me by one phone call, one email, cares if I DIE.
That also means that nobody who has beat on me for years for not loving him ever felt anything of value for me. Their insistence that they loved me was as worthless as I suspected that it was; they care about my life less than they would care about a body by the side of the road. I have nothing to feel guilty about; they don't know anything about love, which is why the relationships that many of them already had were and continue to be unhappy.
I am free of any obligation that I could have thought that I had to care about any of them. Their cruelty has cleared my conscience.
The yapping about me by newspapers, corporations and everyone else is all a murderous lie.
Copyright L. Kochman, February 10, 2017 @ 11:10 a.m./I don't choose the addresses that videos get when I publish them at YouTube.