"We tapped into the illegal, hidden cameras in Lena Kochman's apartment as soon as she moved to the apartment in March 2016. We watched, heard and clandestinely distributed the live, illegal video filmed from her apartment 24 hours a day. We misinterpreted everything that she did and said according to the hateful things that we wanted to be able to say about her. From illegally hacking her phone, we knew she was saying that she couldn't tell anyone, talk to the police or the property management about it because nobody would believe her, the police wouldn't really investigate before their inaccurate conclusion that there are no cameras in the apartment made everything worse for her, and the property management would deny it and then evict her. When all of that happened exactly the way that she said it would, we continued to do nothing to stop the eviction. We did not contact anyone to say that the hidden, illegal cameras are not a lie or a delusion. Instead, we continued to distort news stories to promote child rape and to tell jokes about vaginal smell, which we and media everywhere have been doing since 2010, because we want child rape and sexual harassment to be legal.
We never told anyone about the Obama administration's promotion of sexual abuse; we knew he'd have to resign if we did, and we want sexual abuse to be legal.
Mental patients are never exploited, even though we have all seen the illegal video filmed with hidden, illegal cameras in the bathrooms of psychiatric facilities. Nobody ever commits crimes, like voyeurism, against people who have psychiatric histories and then lies about it so that their victims are evicted into homelessness.
The only thing that mental patients or people who have psychiatric histories need is to be forcibly medicated and to be told what to do by other people for the rest of their lives. There is no stigma. There is no discrimination. Lena's a liar and a slut, and everybody knows it.
We think it's socially progressive that J.K. Rowling has said that her new wizarding school, Ilvermorny, is in Massachusetts. There is nothing stigmatizing or discriminatory about that, nor is it inappropriate that she has created a series for children around a joke about Vermont, mental illness and being horny.
There is nothing sexually deviant, discriminatory or financially abusive about voyeuristically filming homeless people, psychiatric patients, people whose first language is Chinese and their children, people who live in rent-reduced housing, or anyone else who can't stop us."
Is that what you're going to say?
I shower in the dark.
I use the toilet in the dark.
I change my clothes in the dark.
That's how I have lived in this apartment since March 2016, and it's how I lived in the last apartment from March 2013 to February 2014, until I was evicted for saying that there were hidden, illegal cameras in that apartment.
The Boston Globe is one of many media sources that have seen all of my attempts to have privacy and that have never stopped attacking me for being the victim of this crime, which it has publicized and promoted to encourage people to repeatedly victimize me.
Copyright L. Kochman, February 17, 2017 @ 10:25 a.m./additions @ 12:00 p.m.