Friday, February 3, 2017

To be able to live in this apartment, even until the end of May so I can finish the semester before I have to be homeless again, the property management's lawyer wants me to sign this agreement, saying that I'll stop talking about being victimized by voyeurism in this apartment since last March.

February 3, 2017

That's part of the agreement that the property management's lawyer wants me to sign, or I'll be evicted before the end of February.

He wrote the last part because I told him that, when I got the January 5, 2017 letter saying that the landlord wanted me to move out, I thought about photocopying his Decemebr 22, 2016 letter that told me to stop talking about the cameras or I'd lose my housing and the January 5, 2017 letter telling me that I was losing my housing, and putting them under the front doors of all the tenants in the building.  I told him that I hadn't done that, and that I had finally talked to the police instead, who don't believe me.

I knew it would be like this; so did the conglomerate, but the conglomerate doesn't care.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, February 3, 2017 @ 1:05 p.m./I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again soon.