Saturday, November 28, 2015

The lesbian, goat manstealer

November 28, 2015

Does the conglomerate think that I have had no opportunities to have lesbian relationships during the 4 of 5 past years that I've been homeless?

Many homeless women are gay, because society hates gay people and makes many gay people poor.  Also, many homeless women who would not otherwise be gay have lesbian relationships because they have been so abused by men that they can't stand the thought of being with men.

I have had two dates since 2009; one was in 2009, the other was in 2010.  Someone with a videocamera followed me without my knowledge or consent and videotaped me, without my knowledge or consent, with the person that I was with each time.  The conglomerate tortures me about those dates just the way that it tortures me about its every horrible invasion of my life.

If I were a nymphomaniac, and gay, does the conglomerate think that I could have spent all of this time living with hundreds of women, showering and sleeping within feet of them every night, and never have had any type of sexual contact with any of them?

The manstealing also continues not to happen, which is at least half of the reason that the men whom I get accused of trying to steal are so vindictive toward me.

Copyright L. Kochman, November 28, 2015 @ 2:14 p.m.