That's what the ad on the first page of the Washington Post's website says at 5:51 p.m. tonight. I can't publish pictures of the ad because my blog was disabled from publishing pictures weeks ago, when I was writing about the University of Virginia and Rolling Stone.
I went to the article about the conviction of Jesse Matthew, Jr., and had to close the Audi "Innovation" ad that immediately popped up on the screen before I could read the article.
It's another article, coauthored by T. Rees Shapiro, the Washington Post's "Education Reporter," who graduated from a private high school in Virginia and also Virginia Tech and who was instrumental in setting into motion the events that are erroneously getting Rolling Stone and Sabrina Erdely sued. There's no mention of the rapes that have continued to happen at and around the University of Virginia.
Copyright L. Kochman, March 2, 2016 @ 6:06 p.m./edited @ 6:33 p.m.