That's a picture of the second section of the first page of the White House's official website.
Those are pictures of the publication at the White House's official website that is attributed to Congressman Polis.
"Serial entrepreneur." Is that a joke about serial rapists not being arrested or expelled from American colleges and universities?
That one page uses the words "innovation" or "innovators" 5 times.
This is a picture of the definition of the word "innovative":
The repetitive use of words which the conglomerate has distorted from their accurate definitions is particularly ironic for the conglomerate's repetitive use of the word "innovation" and its derivatives.
Congressman Polis uses the word "entrepreneur" and its derivatives 6 times for that one page.
This is a picture of the definition of the word "entrepreneur":
Since 2010, the conglomerate has not stopped exploiting the blogs that I publish AGAINST abuse. If I write or talk about something that I think is bad, the conglomerate immediately tries to portray what I have written or spoken about as if it's good. While it perverts all of my attempts to protest abuse, and gets almost every idea for its promotion of crime from its vicious distortions of things that I write and say, it never stops telling itself and the world that I'm a stupid, worthless slut who deserves to be videotaped in the bathroom.
If Congressman Polis would like to meet and/or obtain money from celebrities, he's free to try to contact any celebrity without viciously exploiting me as his idea of a funny joke, published by the people who manage the White House's official website.
The definitions of the words "innovative" and "entrepreneur" are from the first page of Google search results for those words.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, August 9, 2016 @ 1:10 p.m./additions @ 1:38 p.m.