Tuesday, May 23, 2017

President Trump

May 23, 2017

Nobody can tell you how to feel.  If you're annoyed at me, it's understandable, although problematic for me, and I have more than enough problems.

I don't know if you have noticed that, since the special prosecutor was appointed, the White House has stopped hemorrhaging people who were griping to the media about everything you did.  The rumors about you are also decreasing.  People who want to accuse you have someone to whom they have to answer besides the media and other politicians.  

If I were in your situation, and if someone were being abrasive or accusatory toward me and I really felt that the person had no reason for it, I'd say "Why don't you tell it to the prosecutor," and then I'd either ask or say whatever I had to say to direct the conversation to immediately pertinent matters.

An investigation is not a verdict.  Also, if there is anyone who is accusing you of anything who isn't either a participant in the ongoing destruction of society that's been happening since 2010 or totally silent about the conglomerate and its agenda, I don't know who it is.  

If you want to know if I support you or not, you can answer the question by knowing that I am in favor of the country's stability and what contributes to the country's stability.  

If you are guilty of collusion with Russia to influence the election, which you might be, it doesn't even seem as if you needed that collusion to win, so that was a waste of your time.  Also, even if you are guilty, I don't think that a corrupt media has the right to decide for the world which type of corruption is acceptable and which isn't.  It is outrageous that people who not only never challenged the federal government's promotion of crime for 7 years, but who also attacked anyone who didn't promote crime, think that they have the right to elevate or disgrace Presidents according to their whims.  

Other countries should not be colluding to influence elections.  If Russia is guilty of that, the least it can do is to stop doing it and also to remove President Assad from power.  He has forfeited his right to be considered a candidate for anything.  

Copyright L. Kochman, May 23, 2017 @ 5:34 p.m./additions @ 6:15 p.m.