Wednesday, July 26, 2017

No asylum for Edward Snowden's helpers; only a stab in the back from Rolling Stone and promotion of human rights abuses by Prime Minister Trudeau

July 26, 2017

Those are pictures of the first part of the first page of Yahoo results for "Justin Trudeau."

That's a picture of his latest Tweet.

I didn't know that Prime Minister Trudeau "was raised in jet-set privilege," but that explains without excusing that he's a sexist jerk who's hacking my phone and promoting crime while being lauded for trying to legalize marijuana in Canada.

Yes, let's synchronize our watches: THIS IS THE 21st CENTURY. 

That's the cover.  

This is Rolling Stone talking about Mr. Trudeau and his wife:

You know, the conglomerate has distorted so many things since 2010, including the word "popping."  However, I think the preconglomerate phrase for ASKING someone to marry you was "popping the question," not "popping the decree."  

This is Rolling Stone talking about "the homeless":

More gems from Rolling Stone:

Maybe this is my favorite section of the Rolling Stone article:

Prime Minister Trudeau is an "adult," while I'm a dumb, sell-out slut.  Is that what Rolling Stone is saying?  

This is the address of the Rolling Stone article:

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, July 26, 2017 @ 2:06 p.m.