Wednesday, July 26, 2017

This does not constitute a wholesale revocation of protection against discrimination, and it shouldn't be portrayed that way.

July 26, 2017

That's a picture of part of this article from February 2017.

These are quotes from the actual Trump administration letter and White House statement, according to another article from February 2017:


The line designates that the pictures are not of consecutive sections of the article.

This is another quote from the other article:

This is the address of the other article:

There is no question that nobody deserves to be harassed or otherwise discriminated against in school.  I also believe that the Virginia student is not a bad or dangerous person.  I also think think that unisex, single-stalled bathrooms that anyone can use are a reasonable accommodation.

If you are not ashamed to be transgendered, then you don't need to feel ashamed of having to use a bathroom that is gender-neutral and that gives you more privacy than specifically gendered bathrooms do.

Equal opportunity is supposed to be about reality, and not about the avoidance of reality.  The reality is that women as a group are as smart as men as a group.  The reality is not that women as a group are as big or as strong as men as a group.  The reality is that some transgendered women are nice people who would never harass or rape biologically gendered women in a bathroom and some aren't.  The reality is that some biologically gendered men are nice people who would never harass or rape transgendered men in a bathroom and some aren't.

I have never harassed or otherwise abused a transgendered, homeless person.  I have lived with several of them during my years of homelessness.  Some of them are nice people, and some aren't, like everybody else.  All of them have been harassed by some homeless people, which doesn't mean that it's all right for any of them to have harassed me or other biologically gendered homeless women, and some of them have.  

I think that President Trump's Tweets that transgendered people can't serve in the military "in any capacity" are ill-considered.  I have previously given my opinion about biologically gendered women in combat, which is that they have to be able to meet the minimum physical requirements and that standards for physical strength can't be lowered without risking their safety and the safety of those around them.  When you are in combat, you have to be able to know that everyone around you meets the minimum physical requirements to be able to carry or drag you to safety if you are wounded.  You also have to be strong enough to participate equally in situations that require the strength of several people together.  It is crueler to deny that reality than to accept it.  That doesn't mean that there are no women who are capable of serving in combat; more of them are not capable of it than men, as is the case for every other situation in the world in which physical strength is a matter of life and death.

I have also previously said that, until war is abolished, and for as long as there is a Selective Service, women should be required to register for Selective Service and to serve, if drafted, in the capacities in which an impartial military decides that they can be the most helpful.  

I think it is not necessary to ban transgendered people from the military.  I do have a question about how much medical support transgendered men in combat situations need to maintain the physical strength that qualified them for combat.  If they need to take pharmaceutical supplements every day to maintain that level of strength, then I think it should be assessed whether or not it's the safest or most helpful choice to send them into situations where they might lose access to those supplements.  

I don't choose excerpts or supporting information for code purposes.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, July 26, 2017 @ 1:15 p.m.