I have never thought about that question, and it could be that he hasn't either.
It could also be that whoever it is at the White House who is hacking my phone and maybe also criminally invading my privacy in other ways didn't read all of the Vogue article that I read from my phone a few days ago before that person made the first part of the first page of the White House's official website look like this:
This is a picture that I took today of an August 2, 2016 Tweet at Emma Watson's Twitter:
I saw the Tweet a few days ago, and read the article. Essentially, I agree with the humanist ideas of the person whom Ms. Watson interviewed. I don't know how I feel about legalizing prostitution; I have never thought about it. The person whom Ms. Watson interviewed, and who talked about a lot of things before being asked about legalizing prostitution, does seem to have thought about it.
This is a picture of part of the article:
It could be that the person at the White House who is criminally invading my privacy, and who immediately jumped at the article to pervert the title of the book that the person who was interviewed wrote, did read the article and is trying to exploit the article and the author to promote not only bullying, voyeurism and involuntary pornography, but also child prostitution.
When I read the article online a few days ago, it had a paragraph of the person who was interviewing saying that it's disgusting when people sexualize children. That paragraph has since been removed from the article.
This is the article's address:
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, August 6, 2016 @ 3:37 p.m.