That's the address of a Fox News story that was published yesterday, called "You Won't 'Belieb' How Little These Justin Bieber Fans Know About U.S. Presidents."
Obviously, the United States is a place where, by contrast to the rest of the world, a lot of people have access to health and fashion. Why isn't there money for everyone to have access to a good public school system?
Why does the entertainment industry churn out one movie, song and television show after another that scorns education and peaceful conflict resolution? Why are there no formal educational requirements for working in that industry? Why are the education and character development of stars of that industry treated by that industry as if they are laughable concerns?
Why is the entertainment industry a business in which success is life-threatening? How many people who are stars when they're young disintegrate in one way or another, incapable of dealing with living past the age of 25?
Whitney Houston died when she was 48. Like Justin Bieber, her music was not particularly destructive, certainly by contrast with a lot of financially successful music. Why did her life fall apart, if not because the industry has no principles or intellectual cohesion?
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, August 1, 2016 @ 12:20 p.m.