Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Justin Bieber

August 3, 2016

It's bad not to take responsibility for things that you have done that have hurt people.

I like what your music sounds like a lot more than I like the music of someone whom one of your songs really seems to have plagiarized.  However, nobody is obligated to like the music that I like, and it does not excuse your plagiarism.

Also, as someone who has frequently been victimized by people who got away with what they did by calling me crazy, I can't take your side about the lawsuit from your former neighbors.  That's not even to mention the accusation that some of your bodyguards used anti-Semitic slurs against those neighbors when they objected to your irresponsible behavior.  

It wasn't only your behavior that traumatized those people; I certainly understand how they felt about being surrounded by the media because of your abuse of them.  They have lost a lot of privacy and personal peace.

Although the conglomerate tortures me about my past, there's nothing from my past for which I haven't already taken responsibility, which is why the conglomerate torturing me about it is so unfair.  My anger about that is not from feeling bad or embarrassed about my past; I can't be proud of my mistakes, but I don't have a reason to feel ashamed of anything for which I have already taken responsibility, and nobody has the right to use those past mistakes as an excuse to abuse me now or in the future.  

I don't know what the people who are making money off your music are going to tell you about that plagiarism, but I hope you'll tell them that your integrity is more important and that you're not interested in exploiting someone who has never had your financial success.  

I also hope that you will put to rest the conflict with the people who never asked to be your neighbors.

Some fights are right to lose.  I hope that you're not going to be a celebrity of my age who has a history of mistreating people and never taking responsibility for it.  

I don't know if you know that many people appreciate it when people who have wronged them take responsibility.  They're not trying to be your enemies for a lifetime; everyone has a life that is important.  Your industry particularly behaves as if the value of people's lives can be rated according to how much money they have or how many fans they have, and that's wrong.  

Copyright L. Kochman, August 3, 2016 @ 9:20 p.m.

Also, please don't worry about what I'll say about you publishing at social media about your vacation.  If you're not TRYING to promote crime, I don't want to have to worry about it.  I don't like spending my time worrying about how the conglomerate interprets what I do; I hate living like that.  I know it's a lot of pressure to interact with me anyway; the conglomerate is awful about that, for everyone, famous or not, with whom I interact for anything.

Did you make your friend wear a pink, sprinkled donut for rocky water tubing?  That is a look of hatred that he's directing at the camera, isn't it?

Copyright L. Kochman, August 3, 2016 @ 11:23 p.m.