The person whom you pay to manage your social media also has my phone hacked and is criminally invading my privacy in other ways; is that what you're saying? A total stranger to me is someone who is paid by you to criminally invade my privacy, and then you give interviews in which you say things to offend me and also to deny responsibility for those of your social media publications that were already offensive to me and that also might have made some people think that you were hitting on me.
I have nothing to do with any of it, while however many people abuse me by hacking my phone, abuse me by posting offensive things about me, and blame me for everything as if their behavior were my fault.
NOBODY needs to hack my phone. NOBODY needs to criminally invade my privacy in other ways, either. People do it because they feel like it, and because I can't stop them. Then they frequently act as if their abuses toward me create a responsibility from me toward them, or maybe they get used to thinking about me that way.
Nobody could cope with the pressures that I have all the time. I owe nothing to the people who are part of that pressure. It's not as if it's a privilege to be abused by rich people.
Copyright L. Kochman, August 2, 2016 @ 11:23 p.m.