Friday, June 23, 2017

I think this is another ad that's from invasions of my privacy; my phone and email being hacked.

June 23, 2017

I had a housing advocate for part of 2014 and all of 2015 who was really helpful and supportive.  She used the term "ASAP" a few times when she sent me email about finishing paperwork or helping me leave a bad situation.  This isn't the first ad referencing that term since then.  

The nonprofit agency for which she worked was audited last summer.  Near the end of the summer, she told me that she had decided to work somewhere else.  I think she couldn't take the pressure of being a support person for me anymore; the conglomerate attacks everyone who doesn't abuse me.  She's not the first person who has taken work somewhere else after having his or her privacy invaded because of the conglomerate's abuse of me.  

It's unfortunate for me that she took work somewhere else; she had advocated for me before when I first moved to the building and the person who was later promoted for lying about the voyeurism put a letter telling me that I'd already had a lease violation under my door before I'd even lived there for a week.  What I think is that they never wanted me to live there, but since they couldn't think of a reason to reject my application, they decided that they might as well install hidden, illegal cameras in the apartment for their own amusement, since "everyone knows" what a bad person I am, according to the conglomerate and what people write and say about me on the Internet.  I have said before that I think that the property manager who's worked at that building since this past autumn had nothing to do with it; she believed the lies that however many people who knew the voyeurism wasn't a false accusation told her.  

The housing advocate also wanted to help me try to figure out what to do about the cameras; she would have talked to the police with me about it, but I was too afraid to contact the police when she suggested it, and she left a few months later.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 23, 2017 @ 12:42 p.m.