Thursday, June 22, 2017

The New York Times

June 22, 2017




Those are pictures of nonconsecutive sections of the first page of the New York Times' website.

"Irony" is a word that many in the media are acting as if they have never heard before, when there are many things thay are actually ironic about what has happened since 2010.  It's ironic that the word "innovative" is used repetitively, and it's ironic that it's used as code to promote a violent crime that's been happening since before human beings developed language. 

It's ironic that misogyny is so prevalent in the media that women who are part of the media can't talk about it, or are frequently fired or not hired if they do.  They're writers and talkers who can't write or talk without being threatened.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 22, 2017 @ 6:48 p.m.