Thursday, November 24, 2016

I don't resent J.K. Rowling's success; I object to her bigotry, hypocrisy and greed.

November 24, 2016

That's a picture of part of the first page of the New York Times's website.

I'm not the first person to notice discriminatory themes in her writing.  I read the Harry Potter books years ago and liked most of them, although I thought the 6th and the 7th weren't that good.  I didn't take a lot of issue with the many stereotypes in her books at that time; I was not then a political person and I had a lot of other things to think about, but the anti-Semitic characterization of Snape is undeniable.  Since I have gotten to be known to the world in which she lives, she has not only viciously targeted me but has written off the entire state of Vermont as an outrageously offensive and stigmatizing joke about mental illness.

Quidditch played by real people was started in Vermont.  If Vermont were a big state with a lot of people to buy books, movie tickets and merchandise, and if Vermont were known around the world, maybe she would care about the fans that she has had there, but she doesn't.  Millions of children are going to read her books and her vicious, bigoted joke will be, for most of them, everything they know about a state that never did anything to her and that can't help that I was born and spent most of my life there.

It also seems probable that whoever publishes Ms. Rowling's Twitter is hacking my phone, and with hostile intent to publicly bully me and threaten people.  

This is the address for the first page of results for a Google search of the term "jk rowling native american culture":

It's typically disingenuous that her "Newt Scamander" franchise is something that she's trying to portray to the world as being anti-fascist instead of a promotion of sexual crime.  

She's not attacking me because she needs money; she's a bully.  If anyone is resentful, she's resentful of me; I'm not a financial success, but I'm not a sell-out.  

Ms. Rowling is critical of Mr. Trump, but she's in a corrupt partnership with the movie business to produce movies indelibly connecting the state that Mr. Sanders represents with a gross, stupid, bigoted joke.  

"Mentally ill people masturbate a lot, and they're from Vermont or live there."  Not in so many words, isn't that what she's saying?  Why did she think that the name of a school for children ought to be a joke like that?  Why did she think that anything for children's literature or movies should be a joke like that?

Most people who have psychiatric histories are rejected by society because of their psychiatric histories and not because they're crazy.  Unless you're going to be a rapist, having sex with another person requires that person's consent.  Why someone who has a psychiatric history is stigmatized for masturbating, while rape victims are stigmatized for being raped and rapists are not stigmatized, is a social conundrum which Ms. Rowling seems content to profit from rather than to question.

What I think about the SICK, SADISTIC, ILLEGAL videos of me, filmed from hidden cameras in the showers of the homeless shelters and psychiatric facilities where I have had to live during these years of persecution by the conglomerate, is that they are proof of the crime of voyeurism being repeatedly committed against me, and also of how much I don't want to date evil, rich people, no matter how many years of poverty and celibacy are forced on me because I said a movie star didn't have the right to call me a c--- for not wanting to date him.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, November 24, 2016 @ 8:53 a.m.