Saturday, November 26, 2016

Remember this, Boston Globe?

November 26, 2016

That's the address of a Metro article from August 20, 2013, called "Taxi sex assaults prompt safety outreach for women."

That was after the Boston Globe and other newspapers had spent months encouraging cab drivers to stalk me.

There is also nobody who has viciously, persistently harassed and stalked me in person whom the conglomerate hasn't portrayed as a hero; from the police officer who sexually stalked me with his personal vehicle for months to the male patient who stalked me around a hospital to the male patient at another psychiatric facility who harassed me with coughing for weeks to the male employee of a homeless shelter who harassed and stalked me with impunity for 8 months until he had stalked and harassed so many other homeless women that they also began to report him and he was finally fired.

The American media has an impaired conscience.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, November 26, 2016 @ 10:07 a.m./I will publish my preliminary page and similar pages again soon.  The conglomerate has read them and knows what they say.