Friday, June 30, 2017

"False" accusations of cameras in my apartment; "false" accusations of harassment at school

June 30, 2017

They're not false accusations, and everyone who saw what happened knows it.

I don't choose the addresses of videos that are published at YouTube.

I think the school is using my being homeless again as "proof" that I'm the cause of my own problems.  I asked some people at the school for whatever help they might be able to offer to prevent my having to move from my apartment, and instead the school is using it against me to deny that I was harassed in class for the third semester in a row.  

If there were students in my French class who told the administration that they thought I was intimidating, that's probably because that's the answer that the administration wanted to hear when it conducted its "investigation," and because they didn't want to be in trouble.  I was totally appropriate the entire time; I really didn't do anything wrong.  

The Dean of Students spent the entire summer of 2016 denying knowing the identity of the student who harassed me in my Chinese class during the Spring 2016 Semester.  I wasn't asking to know who he was; all I was asking was that the school tell him that he can't harass and stalk people and that he can't lie to the school's administration when someone reports him for those behaviors.  When the student began to stalk and harass me online in September of 2016, using his first and last name, I took a picture of the messages that he sent me and I emailed them to the Dean of Students.  I said "Is this the student?"  I sent that email at about 4:45 a.m.  At about 6:45 a.m. on the same morning, the Dean sent me an email saying that the student would be accountable for his actions according to the school's Code of Conduct.  That means that she already knew who he was, and she had lied to me for months about why she couldn't confront him about his behavior.  There's no way that she had conducted an investigation to confirm his identity in 2 hours, from 4:45 a.m. to 6:45 a.m.  

When another situation with a few other students erupted in my math class in the Spring 2017 semester, the Dean immediately took action against those students, and it was helpful that the professor for that class didn't lie about what had happened, or I would have been in danger, for the second time, of being thrown out of school for saying that I was being harassed.

This time, the Dean would have thrown another student out of the class in which the harassment was happening, and I don't know why my saying that she didn't need to do that is being met by the administration calling me a liar.  What I think is that the school was so negligent in the first situation that it took action quickly the second time that it happened to avoid liability, but really the school wants to be able to blame me for all of it, which it has now succeeded in doing.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the second teacher who has lied about what happened in the classroom is from the Language department.  Whatever the rumor is about why the Chinese teacher left the school, I doubt that it includes my being so adamant with the Dean last year that the Chinese teacher not be fired and that it was the school's responsibility to educate its staff, teachers and students about bullying that the Dean told me then that she didn't want me to email her anymore.  Her attitude toward me changed when I sent her the Internet proof in September 2016 that the student from the Chinese class was escalating the stalking and harassment in school that I had reported to the school 6 months earlier, but it seems as if she has never stopped hoping that she could blame me for all of it, and now she has and I'll have to drop out of school.  

Copyright L. Kochman, June 30, 2017 @ 2:43 p.m.