Saturday, June 17, 2017

I don't know how many times I have said that I didn't choose to live at Chroma.

June 17, 2017

never applied there and had never heard of it before I was approved for an apartment there last year.

What I applied to was a program for affordable housing (should I say low income housing, since that's the other term for it) that's part of the City of Cambridge.  The program approves or rejects people's applications and then, if it approves someone's application, the program sends the person's profile to landlords, who then approve or reject the applicant for tenancy.

I had no say about anything.  If you're approved for an apartment, you have to schedule an appointment to visit the apartment and then you have 24 hours to decide whether or not you'll take it.  You can't choose anything about it; not the building, not the unit, nothing.

I liked the building and the apartment and the neighborhood.  I knew the name of the building and some of its advertising were problematic; I didn't know what to do about it.  I also knew, from what happened when I was trying to email and call landlords for an apartment that I could move to from my last apartment in 2014, that it is impossible to rent an apartment anywhere that the conglomerate won't attack me about.  There were entire suburbs around the Boston area where I couldn't move because of their names:

That's the address for the Yahoo result for "suburbs around Boston."

No matter what I did, the conglomerate attacked me for it.  There was an entire apartment building that was subsequently built in Boston after I was evicted in 2014, for which the name and advertising were derived from my phone being hacked and people being disgusting.  

If I could have moved to another apartment from the apartment that I had from 2013 to 2014, I wouldn't have had an eviction on my record; I had a written agreement to move out in 3 months, but the conglomerate attacked me about every apartment that I emailed or called anyone about.  There was even someone who would have rented to me, but the number of the apartment was 306 and I knew what the conglomerate would say about it, so I didn't, and I was evicted.

I know people who hacked my phone thought it was really funny that I wanted an apartment that had a balcony, but I wanted that because stalkers were driving around and parking outside my apartment every day, and at night.  I wanted to be able to be outside sometimes and not have to worry about being ABDUCTED.

Cambridge is a nice place to live.  Since by 2015 I knew that the conglomerate would attack me no matter where I lived, I didn't let what I knew the conglomerate would say about me deter me from applying for housing there.  

That's the address for the first page of Yahoo results for "cambridge ma," for people who want to read about it rather than ignorantly attacking me because they can't think of anything else to do with their time.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, June 17, 2017 @ 10:11 a.m.