Sunday, July 2, 2017

Everything was a lie.

July 2, 2017

This is the address of the YouTube publication of the audiorecording of my Chinese class from April 29, 2016; it documents objectively what really happened.

This is what happened as soon as I walked into Chinese class on May 6, 2016:

This is the address of the video that I filmed of the "Highlights" of the report that was written about me by a school administrator about what I was like in class:

The administrator had never met me.  She had never been in a classroom with me or anyone else who had anything to say about me.  She wasn't there for anything that happened; she wrote the report, gave it to the Dean, and the school responded to the email that I wrote to that administrator, when I was in shock from reading sentence after sentence of lies, by telling me never to contact her again.  Yesterday, I published the email that I had written to her last year; there was nothing intimidating or threatening about it. I didn't even blame her for believing everyone's lies.  

That report is what the school based its charges of harassment and disruption against me on in May 2016.  The Dean of Students refused to listen to the recordings, which is why I published them at YouTube.

It's all been at my YouTube blog since last year.  The conglomerate doesn't care, and neither does the school, unless the school is now going to add my defending myself against its abuse of me by publicly documenting the abuse to its list of false charges against me.

I don't choose the addresses of videos at YouTube.

Copyright L. Kochman, July 2, 2017 @ 5:25 p.m.