There are no cameras in her apartment because she is much too rich for anyone to think that she could be abused that way.
This is a picture of a Tweet at her Twitter:
She is one of the many people who knew that there were hidden, illegal cameras in my last apartment and who ridiculed me for the 5 months that I begged that someone corroborate that I was telling the truth.
This is a picture of the first part of her Twitter:
Obviously, her comfort zone extends to bullying people who are abused in ways from which her inherited wealth protects her.
This is a picture of the last several posts at her Instagram:
It is improbable that she even considers attending college, even though she could pay for an education anywhere in the world and incur no debt.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, July 23, 2017 @ 10:10 a.m.