Monday, August 21, 2017

I was kicked out of this blog while writing the last few pages.

August 21, 2017

I wanted to try to publish them at 8:35, which isn't all that helpful, but it's less unhelpful than subsequent times. 

I would never promote crime, and I don't have to or want to promote it surreptitiously.  Why would I live a destitute, persecuted life if I could have had a lucrative, hypocritically lauded life by being a bad person, if I really wanted the conglomerate's agenda to succeed?

Copyright L. Kochman, August 21, 2017 @ 8:45 p.m./That's what time it is.  I wish it weren't.  My curfew is 9:00 p.m., and there's nothing I can do about it.