Do you feel that it proves that's what I did in the classes where I was viciously lied about?
That's not what I did in those classes; I was never inappropriate in class, even when I was being viciously harassed for hours every week.
I was glad to be in what was supposed to be a normal, productive situation; that is what school is supposed to be. That's why I fought not to be forced into the stereotype of a homeless person that you so viciously inflicted on me. I was a student, and now I'm not. The disruption of my education is your contribution to stigma.
Your lobby has a statue praising two college drop-outs. Unlike me, they weren't forced to drop out because they were attacked by a school administration for reporting being harassed; they couldn't care less about school.
Copyright L. Kochman, August 30, 2017 @ 12:10 p.m.