Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I'll try not to be bratty about being wooed by celebrities.

November 2, 2016

Unfortunately, rejecting them is such a ego boost that it's difficult to resist the temptation to be elaborate about my rejections.  

Who could honestly say that saying "No, thank you" is as satisfying as listing all the morally impeccable reasons that you can't date a celebrity?  "No, thank you, you're too rich," "No, thank you, you're too famous," "No, thank you, you're too goodlooking," "No, thank you, really I can't.  You should stop asking so that I can stop breaking your celebrity heart; I feel so bad."

All of that is the funny side of the question.  There are other sides of that question that aren't funny, having to do with all sorts of things; people's feelings, people's relationships, the media, the conglomerate, human rights.  

Honestly, I don't want to date a celebrity. I really don't.  It would be good if they stopped trying to get me to date them.  I don't want the publicity, and confronting the conglomerate is difficult enough without the neverending stress of celebrity love lives.  

Have people noticed how much less often I start another celebrity interaction than I did for the first few years?  If I don't take care of the noncelebrity part of my life, I won't have one.  

Copyright L. Kochman, November 2, 2016 @ 6:08 p.m.