Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Questions about foreign and domestic policy

November 9, 2016

Is it wrong to suggest that the United States should engage with Central and South America to improve conditions there, rather than to characterize those places as useless, which will encourage them to forge economic and political alliances with China?  If people want to live there, they won't feel like they need to leave.

Is it wrong to suggest that, rather than condemning Islam, offering protection and financial incentives to Muslim residents, mosques and neighborhoods that provide meaningful information about radicalization might be less punitive and more effective?  If U.S. Post Offices have had "Wanted For Murder" signs about escaped, American felons for other Americans to inform the government about, is it wrong to ask Muslims for help policing their own social and professional networks?  They probably know a lot sooner than the rest of the country who among them has radical tendencies. 

I am not a domestic or foreign policy authority.  I am asking these questions because I thought of them.  I'll be mortified if President-elect Trump implements those ideas as policies without asking people who really know what they're talking about if they're good ideas.  

Copyright L. Kochman, November 9, 2016 @ 4:57 a.m.