Tuesday, November 1, 2016

There are a lot of facts that Clare Locke has ignored.

November 1, 2016

Mr. Clare is aggressive, unreasonable, dishonest and manipulative.

That's a picture of part of this NBC article, which was published today:

This is another picture of part of the article:

If the article is accurately quoting and paraphrasing Mr. Clare, then Mr. Clare has deliberately distorted his discussion of what happened because he wants to win.  

I did not have to provide any public advocacy for Ms. Eramo during this trial, and I don't appreciate Mr. Clare's belligerence.  He does not have the right to ruin Ms. Erdely's career so that he can win a publicized case and obtain a financial settlement for his client and for his firm.  

What I have said about could be construed about Rolling Stone's responsibility is that, although Ms. Erdely did everything that she could to get an interview with Ms. Eramo before the article was published, Ms. Erdely was told by the University of Virginia that Ms. Eramo could not give the interview, and so Rolling Stone did not necessarily have to print Ms. Eramo's name and picture in the article.  That is Ms. Eramo's only possible claim to restitution in this case, and she might not even have that.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, November 1, 2016 @ 5:40 p.m.