Saturday, May 28, 2016

Not so much "My hero," I'm noticing

May 29, 2016 

Most female despair doesn't look like that; that is the address of a very idealized version, easily solved.

To work, to study, to be a responsible human being and to be chronically treated like you are worthy of nothing except disrespect and abuse; that is what female life is like all over the world.  

To have your achievements minimized and your labor mocked by ignorant or greedy or corrupted people, to be lied about, to be casually abused all day, every day, to have even the ability to survive taken from you over and over; how would you feel, if you had to live like that?  Would you feel flattered by the attention?

I don't want to date celebrities.  I have never known such awful people.

Copyright, with obvious exceptions, L. Kochman, May 29, 2016 @ 2:58 a.m.