Thursday, June 30, 2016

"You should be the definition of cancer"

July 1, 2016

That's a message that someone whose screen name is "Brittany Parent" wrote to one of my past YouTube blogs, "Lena Kochman Boston," tonight.

Some of the other messages that people have written to that blog since yesterday are:

From "russell james":


From "Icaller1915":

"Wow, you are so mentally ill!"

"You were actually the one harassing people when they were just doing their own jobs!"

("Icaller1915" sent that message to a video that I published about being abused at the YMCA, where I think it's probable that someone who works there had hidden illegal cameras in the women's locker room and showers, and possibly even in the men's locker rooms and showers and the children's locker rooms and showers.)

"You are definitely so mentally ill!!"

From "meefking8404":

"I'm stalking you"

Also from "Brittany Parent":

"What the actual fuck.  You need professional help lady."

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, July 1, 2016 @ 2:13 a.m.