Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Governor Baker's promotion of child abuse

July 12, 2016

That's a picture of a July 7, 2016 Tweet at Governor Baker's Twitter.

This is the address of the Tweet:

These are pictures of parts of the MEFA page to which Governor Baker's Tweet provides a link:


I added a line to separate pictures which are not of sections of the page which are contiguous.  

Because of the conglomerate, there are probably parents who are forcing their children to perform sexual acts to be able to attend college.  There are probably also parents who are putting cameras in their children's bedrooms and bathrooms.

Because of the conglomerate, women and children at schools all over the country are at high risk of sexual abuse, from harassment to stalking to voyeurism to involuntary pornography to rape.  

The conglomerate is destroying civilization.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, July 12, 2016 @ 9:26 p.m.