I have defended many of your decisions and your intelligence because I thought you could be a good President. If your fear of impeachment and criminal charges is causing you to pander to the people who abuse me, all that does is prove that I have had less fear and more integrity than two Presidents in a row.
President Obama wasn't even being threatened with impeachment when he caved to the pressure to bully me in 2010.
I'll be homeless today, and for the foreseeable future, because I am not corrupt, greedy, a liar or a sell-out.
I also don't define myself by my inability to win in situations where I've been forced to fail. I am being forced into homelessness because I insisted that my right to privacy be respected. My attempts to have my rights respected were futile because I am poor, not because I am a bad person or deserving of misogynist ridicule.
I don't choose the addresses of videos that are published at YouTube.
Copyright L. Kochman, May 31, 2017 @ 5:55 a.m.