Saturday, May 20, 2017

There isn't any urine from me in public pools, for several reasons.

May 20, 2017

Is this the New York Times' vicious response to my saying that I can't obtain appropriate medical care at Boston Medical Center?

I have never behaved inappropriately at Boston Medical Center.  I'm being shunned because of my Internet presence, but I don't need to apologize for what I have had to do to defend myself against stalkers for 7 years.  Soon, I'll be homeless and vulnerable to all of those stalkers again.  

That's a picture of part of the first page of the New York Times' website.

Reasons There Is No Urine From Me In Public Pools:

-I don't pee in them.

-The conglomerate has destroyed my ability to have a social life, so I'd always have to be there by myself.

-I don't often swim, because the conglomerate has encouraged the public to think of me as someone who deserves to be sexually abused.  It's probably not safe for me to be at the beach a lot in a bathing suit, particularly since there have been cases in the United States of women being gang raped at public beaches and all the bystanders do is stand around and record it on their cellphones.  I have also had men stalk me in their cars or trucks when I was walking to or from the beach over the past few years.  Also, since I have no friends, I can't leave things such as my train ticket, money, identification or a debit card on the beach while I swim.  My system for this is to wear shorts while swimming; I wrap said things in plastic bags, attach the outer bag to rubber bands, tie the rubber bands around my belt loops, and then put the bag in my pocket, so it won't float away while I'm in the water.  Then I hope that nobody steals the bag that I left on the beach that has my glasses.  

So far, I also haven't peed in the ocean at any of the beaches in the Boston area.  There are restrooms, although I tend to worry that there might be hidden cameras in the restrooms, since the conglomerate has promoted voyeurism and involuntary pornography for years.

-I also am not often swimming because the conglomerate never stops publicizing the idea that I'm a slut, even though most of the celebrities who participate in slut-shaming me routinely publish naked or almost naked pictures of themselves.  

Here's a question for the New York Times:

"So, how many people are illegally hearing me pee in my own bathroom, while nobody tells the property management's lawyers that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation, even though I'll be homeless in a week because nobody has told them?"

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, May 20, 2017 @ 4:23 p.m.