Sunday, May 21, 2017

The conflict in Syria has made it difficult for me to think about G-d.

May 21, 2017

That's a picture of part of this article:

It's not as if I had never heard, read about or had situations in which human beings have done horrible things, but the scale of what's happening to people, and the years of failure of the world to prevent it or respond to it, and its being a contemporary mass murder and destruction of a country; all of that has challenged my ability to think of the world as a place where G-d is present.  

It's not as if human beings haven't had evidence over the centuries of the damage that our species can do.  Why aren't there safeguards against it?  

I don't that this skit is funny.  Whether or not someone likes President Trump, there are millions of people who have nothing sustaining them other than spirituality, and the hope that human beings who know what's happening to them will help them.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, May 21, 2017 @ 9:03 a.m.