Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Why wouldn't you believe that "the world we live in could be so cruel"?

May 23, 2017

That's a picture of one of Bruno Mars' Tweets.

How many days of an average week do you spend talking about terrorism or any other world issue?  

How many days of an average week do you spend bullying me?  How many years have you and people like you spent bullying me?

Do you think that you're nice people?  I don't.

Homelessness is degrading and life-threatening, and I'll be homeless in a few days, because NOT ONE PERSON who knows that the voyeurism in my apartment isn't a false accusation has done anything to prevent it.  

Not only have all of the people who know that the voyeurism isn't a false accusation done nothing to prevent it, the abuse of me and the victim-blaming for that abuse are worse, when really the voyeurism never would have happened to me if these people had never started bullying me.  Not only are they not tired of it after 7 years, they are more convinced every day that I deserve it.

It's much less difficult for me to believe that the world is a place where people are shot to death and killed by bombs every few weeks or every few months and it never stops than it was for me to believe it in 2010.  I've been targeted for relentless hatred and cruelty by a lot of people who think their abuse of me is funny, EVERY DAY FOR 7 YEARS.

You don't think about that, because you and everyone like you don't think that I'm a person.  You have compartmentalized your treatment of me so that you never think of it as being abuse, and you never think of it as being from the same motivations that anyone else in the world hurts someone for no reason.  As far as you're concerned, your collective verdict of "That bitch deserves it" is not only the answer to why I'm abused but the motivation for yout to abuse me for the rest of my life.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, May 23, 2017 @ 4:38 p.m.