Why don't you publish this at your first page:
"The New York Times hates women.
The New York Times has promoted child molestation every day since 2010.
The New York Times has watched taped and live, illegally filmed video of people in bathrooms, showers and their own homes, has ridiculed and victim-blamed those people, and promotes voyeurism and involuntary pornography.
Every day, the New York Times publishes more coded articles promoting sexual crime and human rights abuses.
There hasn't been a week since 2010 that the New York Times hasn't published coded jokes about vaginas.
The New York Times likes to make jokes about children and oral sex."
Isn't that the truth? Aren't you spending time and money every day thinking about new ways to promote the legalization of sexual harassment and sexual assault?
If you're not ashamed of it, or you don't think that your readers would be outraged, why don't you stop the innuendos and say that you want to rape children and destroy privacy rights?
Copyright L. Kochman, June 2, 2017 @ 6:53 p.m.