It could be that there's a better way that I could have responded to Robert Pattinson's most recent Instagram post.
It could be that there are a lot of things that I could have done better than I have done them.
Nobody has the right to hack my phone. Nobody has the right to put me through hell every day. I'm not doing anything wrong, although the conglomerate is so horrible and has so much ability to harm me and other people that it is difficult every day to know what to do about it.
If I have tried to develop policies and systems for dealing with the conglomerate, it's because the conglomerate attacks me about literally everything. Since I started to write code policies and develop systems to try to deal with those attacks, the conglomerate has attacked me about my policies and systems, also, seeming always to be looking for discrepancies between what I say I'll do and what I do. There's nothing that I could ever do that would stop those attacks: the conglomerate's vicious enjoyment of those attacks is too apparent for me to believe that anything will ever stop them
I'm sure that the rest of today will be full of more harassment and stalking incidents. I have homework to do. The conglomerate does not get more of my time today about Robert Pattinson or any other celebrity; if I had wanted to manipulate a rich person into making my life easier, it's not as if I couldn't have done that or couldn't do that now. I am sick to death of being treated like a bad person by bad people, who wouldn't care if I stole every boyfriend and husband in the world as long as I gave my support to the conglomerate's agenda of human rights abuses.
I'm not a manstealer. I'm not a golddigger. You have no right to make me fail out of school by demanding that I pay attention to your neverending, degrading behavior all day, every day, every year.
Copyright L. Kochman, February 27, 2016 @ 12:45 p.m.