Sunday, December 18, 2016

J.K. Rowling

December 18, 2016

Do you really think that you need to attack the entire state of Vermont for the rest of humanity's life?  

I'm the one whom you dislike, aren't I, even though I never did anything to provoke your vicious behavior toward me.

If you feel that you have to call a wizarding school something that promotes prejudice and bullying, why don't you call it something that attacks the person whom you're bullying, and not an entire state?

You could call it "I hate Lena because she's poor and I can without getting into trouble" or "I hate Lena because she has a psychiatric history and I can without getting into trouble" or "I hate Lena because she was homeless and I can without getting into trouble," or even "The contract's already signed, there's nothing you can do about it and nobody's going to stop me from making millions that I don't need by being vicious."  

Are you hacking my phone or is it someone who manages your Twitter who's hacking my phone?  

Copyright L. Kochman, December 18, 2016 @ 2:40 p.m./I'll publish my preliminary page and similar pages again soon.