Monday, November 7, 2016

At least three male writers for The Daily Caller have published Jackie's full name for months.

November 7, 2016

Another Daily Caller article was published an hour ago, called "UVA Rape Hoax Trial:  Nicole Eramo Contemplated Suicide."

Jackie also contemplated suicide, after she was raped, and if The Daily Caller's goal is to make her feel suicidal again, I would not be surprised if that media source succeeds.   

What are those journalists thinking, "We're going to PUNISH those fake rape victims, we're going to SHOW those lying, crazy b------ that they can't run around lying about how degraded and miserable someone made them just so they can get attention from people like us.  You want attention?  We'll give you some attention, you lying w----."

Is that an accurate paraphrase, written entirely by me, about how you feel?  That's the result of the gender sensitivity training that you get at The Daily Caller?  You think you're going to motivate Jackie to send her resume to all sorts of people and move past all this to be a productive member of society by continuing to publish articles about what a bad person she is, articles that will eventually be the first thing that anyone who does a search of her name reads about her?  How much younger is she than you?  

It's not enough for you that Ms. Eramo hasn't lost her lawsuit?  You need to make sure that everyone who might ever be raped, even what you think is really raped, is afraid to tell anyone for fear of being called a liar?  This year, and next year, and the year after that, for the rest of your lives, you'll mention Jackie's name again because it makes you feel good to call her a liar again?  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, November 7, 2016 @ 5:13 p.m.