Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Dustin Lance Black

November 8, 2016

Do you expect me to believe that you care about women's rights?

I understand that you care about gaining political power, and that's about it.  

Tom Daley is getting the idea to abuse me miserably from someone; who might that be?  

I'm not doing anything to him, or to you.  As much as I have felt that you have exploited the naïveté of his youth, I don't live my life around the bad decisions of you as a couple.  I don't abuse you or invade your privacy.  I don't exploit you in any way.  I need nothing from you, and have asked for nothing from you.

If he weren't so caught up in the world of celebrity, he might be a more serious and consistent athlete.  Talent and even hard work aren't everything if mentally one is a self-obsessed dilettante.

Is he ever going to finish school?  Do you care about that at all, or do you like being smarter than he is too much to encourage him to get an adult education?  

YouTube cutesiness.  Social media that revolves around him to the exclusion of everything else.  Calendars.  Televised events.  Vacations that have the goal of humiliating me but that actually are irritating because I know that an intelligent person is moving toward being an intellectual nobody.

He wins at looking good in a bathing suit.  There is an Olympics for having a perfect body; it's called "modeling."  If that's what he wants to do, why does he waste his time pretending that it isn't?

Copyright L. Kochman, November 8, 2016 @ 7:33 p.m.