Monday, November 7, 2016

"Does this mean lying w---- Jackie (her last name) owes us a free gangbang now?"

November 7, 2016

That's a quote from the "Encyclopedia Dramatica" article that corresponds to the first result for a Google search of the term "jackie uva real name," which is the first additional search term provided by Google at the end of the first page of results for the search term "uva rolling stone."

The next sentence at the "Encyclopedia Dramatica" article is:

"How about Sabrina Rubin Erdely?  SHE deserves a good chokef---ing, no?"

The rest of the article is consistently as charming and even surpasses the humanistic attitude evidenced by those sentences.

After reading some of the page from my phone, I suddenly got a screen message that said "Congratulations!  Your phone now has 3 viruses!"

The article is prolific in hatred and bigotry, although not in logic, calling Jackie's husband a "faggot," and also saying about him "knowing that sex with bipolars is pretty hawt, f---s the w----," as part of the scheme that the article accuses Jackie of having had to get him to marry her.  That section concludes by saying that Jackie "extorts" marriage from him, and purports to quote her as saying "If you don't marry me, I'll cry RAPE!"

This is some of what the article says about the Phi Kappa Psi lawsuit:  


"On Nov. 8, 2015, the UVa fraternity who was falsely accused by lying c--- Jackie (her last name) filed a LOLSUIT against Rolling Stone magazine for $25 million.  

Judge to Jackie (last name):  'NO immunity for you, lying b----!'

The LULZ kept on rolling, when Jackie (last name) tried to claim that her psychotic lies were covered by immunity.  The Judge in the Rolling Stone lawsuit promptly raped Jackie (last name) up the a-- for the lying w----'s chutzpah."


That is not the end of the article, which also has pictures of Jackie and her husband, which seem to be from their wedding day.  At least the article proves that as much as Ryan would like the world to think that unrequited love for him spurred the scandal, somehow the one or two or who-knows-how-many dates that Ryan had with Jackie did not prompt her to devote anything like the amount of time to him that he has devoted to her since the last time that they talked.  Ryan's not married, is he, except to the interview circuit?  

After the Encyclopedia Dramatica article, the next three results at Google are for articles from The Daily Caller.  The first of those articles is called "Rolling Stone Trial:  UVA Jackie Invented Rumor Her Friend Had Syphilis," and describes how "Cindy" told Ms. Erdely that Jackie had started the rumor that "Cindy" had syphilis, in a conversation that Ms. Erdely had with "Cindy" after the Rolling Stone article was published.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, November 7, 2016 @ 6:17 p.m.