Thursday, September 14, 2017

"They are very sweet together."

September 14, 2017


The article also says that Ben Affleck is thinking about renting an apartment at "15 Central Park West," in New York City.

"Sweet" is not the word that I would use to describe the homewrecking Ben Affleck and his homewrecking girlfriend.  

Should I say this?  If I say what I'm about to say, I don't know how I'll say it or if anyone will believe it.  The people who torture me are so obsessed by the idea that I'm a bad person that everything that I say that proves I'm not proves to them that I am.

I have said this before, but either he doesn't believe it or he likes to do what he can to make me as miserable as he can.  I'm REALLY not interested in dating him.  I'm not jealous of his girlfriend; I'm sickened by his hypocrisy and her hypocrisy and the conglomerate's hypocrisy.  I don't hate her; I have no personal feelings about her at all, other than disgust.  I also have some entirely malicious elation at the thought of being able to use her relationship to Mr. Affleck to illustrate the conglomerate's hypocrisy for the rest of his life.  

What I feel for him is hatred.  It's not passion.  It's not envy.  It's not sadness that I didn't date him.  It is enmity.  

Does he think that we're in a movie?  Does he think that my consistent feelings of revulsion, consistently discussed for 4 years, are going to change, are a subterfuge for warmer emotions?  If he does think that, then he is the most stubbornly deluded person whom I have encountered in my life.  If he doesn't think that, then why doesn't he leave me alone?