Monday, September 18, 2017

It's not as if Saturday Night Live didn't know that Ben Affleck and Lindsay Shookus were having an extramarital affair, is it?

September 18, 2017

The show knew, while it broadcast skit after skit attacking me, my old friends, my family.  

Many people in the entertainment industry knew, didn't they, while movies, television shows, songs, music videos, ads about me continued to be broadcast, degrading me throughout the world.

Many people in the media knew, didn't they, while they didn't report about it and instead coded stories attacking me and promoting sexual crime every day.

His friends knew, didn't they?  Matt Damon knew, while Mr. Damon and many other celebrities did skits with talk show hosts, ridiculing me.

What about the people who either scripted or cast movies for Scooter Braun's protégés that referenced the voyeurism in my apartment, while nobody corroborated that the voyeurism wasn't a false accusation and my uncorroborated allegations made me homeless for the third time since 2011?  There were people who knew who were part of the production of those movies, weren't there?

While Mr. Affleck and Mr. Damon incorporated abuse of me in skits, some of them political, that they filmed and published online.

While Tom Brady and his wife did ads for Under Armour, referencing the voyeurism in my apartment.  

The technology and communication corporations that provided phones and email for Mr. Affleck and Ms. Shookus knew, didn't they, while selling products and broadcasting ads attacking me and promoting crime?  

Did the government know?  

Those are pictures and corresponding addresses of videos that I have published at YouTube over the past year, before I had heard of Ms. Shookus.  

I'm not envious of her.  I am sickened by the chauvinism, entitlement and hypocrisy that have ruined my life.

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, September 18, 2017 @ 8:23 a.m.