Those are pictures that I took last year. They are of parts of the statement from March 23, 2015, that the Charlottesville Police Department published at its website.
Fraternities who have unregistered parties probably have unreported cash funds to pay for those parties. They probably don't register the parties at which they plan to haze and/or rape people, precisely so that subsequent investigations of crimes committed at or as a result of those parties are undermined by complicit police departments who obligingly cite lack of evidence that the parties ever happened to discredit the victims.
However, it is telling about how entrenched rape culture is at the University of Virginia and around the world that the only place that I have ever read that "the Inter-Fraternity Counsel does not maintain records of scheduled events at fraternities from 2012" is in that one sentence from that statement. I have read countless articles decrying Rolling Stone, Erdely and Jackie, which included what those articles seemed to consider to be evidence that there was no party at Phi Kappa Psi on September 28, 2012, and what those articles seemed to consider evidence was the simple denial that the party happened. What none of the people who wrote those articles seem to have realized is that even the scheduled events frequently don't have lasting records.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, February 14, 2016 @ 3:06 p.m.