Friday, March 10, 2017

I have some questions about immigration and outsourcing.

March 10, 2017

Human slavery has never gone away; is that accurate to say?  There are more slaves now than ever.

I wish that President Trump would take the money that he wants to use to build a wall and invest it in working with all the countries to the south of that border to improve the conditions for their citizens.  

I also am trying to understand what has allowed American businesses to employ migrant workers to do work that Americans don't want to do, for slave wages and often in slave conditions.  

I do not like that there seem to be some Central and South American governments who have relied on illegal immigration to the United States as an outlet for the fear and frustrations of the people whom they are neglecting and abusing with corruption and oppression.  

Corporate outsourcing also seems to be a form of slavery.  Americans won't work for slave wages and in slave conditions, but people in other countries will.  It also seems to me that there are a lot of Americans who don't want to work in service and manufacturing jobs.  Rather than argue with them, why not educate and train them to work on the Internet, which will never run out of regulatory and administrative work for people to do?  Why not also insist that all corporations that outsource labor to other countries treat their foreign employees as equitably as they'd have to treat employees in their own countries, so that places like China can build a middle class?

The cost of paying foreign employees what they'd be paid in the United States, and the cost of providing working conditions for them that are at the standards that they'd have to be in the United States; that's what corporations don't pay, which is how they profit even though there are costs to transporting the products back to the United States.  Is that accurate to say?  If so, how should that issue be addressed?

Copyright L. Kochman, March 10, 2017 @ 2:05 p.m.