Friday, March 10, 2017

More lies, this time from Boston Medical Center

March 10, 2017

I never ignored anybody's recommendations; I've had appointments or conversations with 8 providers since the pain began in September of 2016.  I had to contact Patient Advocacy to obtain a referral to gynecology at all, and now they're refusing to treat me.

Nobody seems to have had a consensus opinion about what's causing my symptoms.  Of course their failure to help me is being blamed on me, because of what the Internet says about me and not because I have done something wrong.  

The Patient Advocacy office has stopped responding to my phone calls.  Although I was never violent or threatening toward anyone at Boston Medical Center, I don't know if I can make an appointment there for any office where I will not either have to have a physical or mental exam in front of a female security guard with another, male guard in the hallway, or be escorted out of the building by those security guards even if I politely walk out by myself rather than consent to such degrading treatment.  

The crisis stabilization unit at the Solomon Carter Fuller building, which is affiliated with Boston Medical Center, is filthy, cold and dilapidated.  I have written about it before, and about how I am harassed by some of the patients and then screamed at by staff to leave when I object to being harassed by patients.  I doubt they've done anything about those conditions.  The last time that I was there, the door for the male/female/handicapped bathroom couldn't be closed; people were walking in on each other.  It's the only handicapped accessible bathroom at that unit, so a physically challenged person who's emotionally distraught enough to be at that unit has to contend with people walking in when he or she uses the toilet or takes a shower.  

Maybe they have fixed that door by now. Maybe they have fixed the shower water in the other bathrooms, so you don't have to choose between scalding hot and freezing cold.  Maybe they've fixed all of it; I doubt it.  What's never fixed, anywhere in the world, is the discrepancy of quality between mental health care and physical health care; not that there's much of a discrepancy for me between those things now at Boston Medical Center, because everyone who has worked with me there is being told that I'm crazy.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, March 10, 2017 @ 9:27 p.m.