It also hacks my email, bank account, and every other electronic account that I have, and criminally invades my privacy in every other way to which it can gain access.
It has no warrant or cause for a warrant. Most of the conglomerate is not part of a government agency that could obtain a warrant for anyone or anything. Everything that it's doing to me is totally illegal, and it thinks that's funny, also. It fears no repercussions or restrictions on its behavior. I'm sure that it plans to treat me like this for the rest of my life.
Every public media discussion about privacy rights, technological and legal boundaries is a joke.
Every page written by corporations to their customers about what those corporations do to protect their customers' privacy is an insult to the public's intelligence.
Every public discussion of the privacy rights of Americans by the government has not included the obvious; nobody who has lost his or her privacy will ever have it again, and people who haven't lost it haven't only because they are part of the anonymous public crowd. Privacy is not part of American life; it's over.
Copyright L. Kochman, April 28, 2016 @ 6:44 p.m.