Tuesday, March 21, 2017

No, he doesn't; not any worse than President Obama and the rest of the conglomerate.

March 21, 2017

That's the address of an article to whose title I'm responding.

I'm sure that The Washington Post knows that there are hidden, illegal cameras in my apartment.  It is entirely plausible that the Obama Administration invaded President Trump's privacy, and even if there were "proof," it would be such a scandal that I think there are many in government who would not want to prosecute a former President whom the media's lies of 7 years have made so popular by comparison to a President who doesn't pander to anyone. 

I will continue to ask that President Trump take steps to reduce the national rates of sexual assault.  I will continue to say that I think respectful financial, social and political engagement with Central and South America is a better approach than a wall.  I will continue to say that the Syrian refugees and other refugees should have as much humanitarian aid and other support in place that the United States and other countries can give them until they are able to return safely to their homes.  

President Trump has enacted sanctions against Iran.  He has sent the U.S. military to Syria.  His judgment for those and many other decisions is good, and I hope that he'll have the time and support to be the President that the United States needs.  

I'm a Democrat who's about to be late for class, so I have to stop writing at this time.  

Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, March 21, 2017 @ 5:25 p.m.