Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio finally saw the New York Times's article called "How Orphaned Orangutans Messed With a Reporter's Mind."

April 20, 2016

The New York Times has had that article advertised at the first page of its website for days, and Mr. DiCaprio has finally added a link to it from his Twitter, which was probably what the New York Times meant for him to do.

Sexual harassment.  The invasion of my privacy in every way.  Stalking.  Voyeurism.  Involuntary pornography.  Homeless for 4 years.  Abused by a landlord for the entire year that I had an apartment, before I was evicted by the landlord's lies.  Ridiculed every day about everything the conglomerate can think of.  Called a liar by liars.  Hated by total strangers because of the conglomerate's propaganda about me.  Living at a constant, high risk of abduction, rape and murder.

That's not a description of Mr. DiCaprio's life.  It's a description of my life, yet it's Mr. DiCaprio whose feelings have continued to be treated as more consequential than the rights of those whom he and the rest of the conglomerate have abused for years.  

I hope that all the orangutans get saved.  However, I couldn't be more tired of male privilege being supported year after year at the expense of HUMAN rights, and it's journalistic failure when news stories are distorted to be about something other than what they are ostensibly about and to promote crime.

The exploitation of the environment, the ravaging of nature, and the oppression of groups of people by other groups of people have the same source.  I don't think that it was predestined that white men would rule the planet and I think that any group of humans that obtained dominance over the world would have done similar things to those that have happened over the centuries.  Humans are not born good; they are born self-centered and it's civilization that directs them toward an understanding of and respect for the mutual responsibilities of individuals and society. The extent to which a culture fails to be civilized by that definition is the extent to which it will be an oppressive and destructive culture.

Copyright L. Kochman, April 20, 2016 @ 6:32 a.m.