Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Boston Globe

April 3, 2016

Are you trying to say that the Central Park Jogger should have died?  Is that the code meaning of the first story at the first page of your website today, about some people who are able to get better medical care than others?

It does not surprise me that you are victim-blaming THE CENTRAL PARK JOGGER, who was fortunate enough to have an employer who had the money to pay for her medical care so that she didn't die.  Why would a newspaper that promotes sexual abuse interpret what happened to her as proof that sexual abuse should stop and that everyone should have access to all the medical care that he or she could ever need?

You also have not stopped hacking my phone, and you are not at all concerned who knows it.  

Copyright L. Kochman, April 3, 2016 @ 10:13 a.m.