The lies will win, because more people are telling them than the truth?
The newspapers are printed. The television news stories are filmed and broadcast. The article is retracted. The managing editor of Rolling Stone resigned. The reporter is in hiding. The victim has been forced, probably, under oath, to lie against herself and those who initially tried to help her.
For months, the Internet has been plastered with the accusations that Jackie was lying about being raped and that Sabrina Erdely didn't care about rape victims and has made it more difficult for rape victims to be believed. There's nothing that the conglomerate wants less than for rape victims to be believed, which is why the Rolling Stone article was attacked, not why it was written.
Even the Central Park Jogger's rapists, the people who almost killed her, are going to be rich, if they're not already, and are being called victims of the criminal justice system, because of the conglomerate.
That's the address of an article from 2014 about the Central Park Jogger's rapists ASKING FOR EVEN MORE MONEY, BECAUSE THEY WERE ALREADY AWARDED MlLLIONS OF DOLLARS.
I couldn't read all of the article. It was difficult for me to get past the picture of a front page of a newspaper from 1989, the captions quoting a then-suspect as saying "She Wasn't Nothing" and describing the suspects this way:
"The teenagers were back in the holding cell, the confessions gory and complete. One shouted 'hit the beat' and they all started rapping to 'Wild Thing.'"
Gang rapists did not expect to be punished then, and they don't expect to be punished now. If anything, because of the conglomerate, there are probably a lot of young men who think that gang raping someone is a way to make money and get positive fame; all you have to do is call the victim a liar, and everyone will help you and hate her.
What does it take for rape to be believed?
If Dean Eramo wins her lawsuit, probably Phi Kappa Psi will also win its lawsuit, and then some of the men who raped Jackie will walk into a courtroom and say that they are the victims, and walk out exonerated. They'll be conglomerate heroes, everything that the conglomerate has tried to turn men into since it began to promote rape in 2010; rapists, liars, convinced of their superiority, without integrity, empathy or the ability to distinguish right from wrong when their own interests are at stake.
I would not be surprised if the people who raped Jackie can't believe that they're not being punished and that everything has happened the way that it has. Talk about lessons that they're learning; that wealth, prestige, power and the support of men over women at all costs are the real cultural values of the country which considers itself the most ethical and progressive in the world.
Copyright, with noted exceptions, L. Kochman, April 10, 2016 @ 10:11 p.m.